Guide to Authors

  • Instructions to Authors of Manuscripts for Rice Science
    Aims and Scopes
    Rice Science (ISSN 1672-6308) is an international peer-reviewed bimonthly journal sponsored by China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou, China and published by the Elsevier BV. Rice Science aims to provide a forum of important advances in rice research, to strengthen the communication of the rice scientists between China and other countries, and to contribute more for the food security in the world. Rice Science will publish original research papers, review articles, as well as letters on rice sciences in English. Some of the topics that may be included in each issue are: breeding and genetics, biotechnology, germplasm resources, agronomy, plant physiology, pest management, soil and fertilizer management, ecology, cereal chemistry and post-harvest processing. The full texts of Rice Science are available online at or
    Editorial Review and Acceptance
    The acceptance criteria for all articles are based on the quality and originality of the manuscript. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by two or three anonymous reviewers, and the Managing Editor will give the recommendation. Editor-in-Chief, who reserves the right to refuse any material for publication, will give the final decision according to all information. Authors are encouraged to suggest two to three preferred reviewers. Decisions on acceptance, revision or rejection are made within three months of submission commonly. The editors reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate the ambiguity and repetition. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.
    Publication Fees
    Page charges are currently 800 RMB (US$100) per print page in the journal. These charges can be paid by Telegraph Transfer or Remittance through Post Office.
    (1) Telegraph transfer:
    Item Title: Publication fee to Rice Science
    Bank Name: Bank of China
    Account Number: 3506 5836 1812
    Account Name: China National Rice Research Institute
    Address: No.359, Tiyuchang Rd., Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China
    (2) Remittance through Post Office
    Account Name: Editorial Office of Rice Science
    Address: No. 28, Shuidaosuo Road, Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, P.R. China
    If authors have difficulties in paying their publication costs, please contact the Editorial Office. The Editorial Board may discount or waive page charges under special circumstances.
    Submission of Manuscripts
    The manuscript should be submitted online through the Manuscript Central ( or All manuscripts submitted will be evaluated by the Editorial Board. The Board may reject manuscripts without further review or may subject manuscripts to review, and reject those that do not meet the standards of the journal. When revisions are requested prior to final decision, revised papers must be received within 30 days or they will be treated as new submissions.
    Preparation of Manuscripts
    The manuscripts should be formatted in DOC file. Your manuscript should consist of the following elements:
    Title page
    Copyright page
    Abstract and Key words
    Main text
    Tables (if any)
    Figures with figure legends (if any)
    Supplemental materials (if any)
    Title Page
    This should include the following items:
    1. The title of the paper.
    2. A short title (no more than 60 characters) will be used as the running head in the page header.
    3. Full name(s) of all the author(s). Use the capital letters for the family names. For example, WANG Xiao-ming, Narendra Pratap SING.
    4. One complete postal address for each author, including zip or country code. Two current e-mail addresses, if available, should be provided for the corresponding author.
    5. Acknowledgements: Individuals, institutions, or funding agencies may be acknowledged if any.
    6. Footnotes to the title and to authors' names if any.
    All the corresponding author(s) must sign on the Copyright Agreement page, which can be downloaded from the website of the journal ( By signing of this document, the copyright of the paper is transferred legally to Rice Science, and the Editorial Board therefore has the authority to distribute its printed and electronic versions to related databases.
    Abstract and Keywords
    The abstract should summarize concisely the content and conclusions of the paper. The abstract should be a single paragraph of generally no more than 300 words. The limitation on the length of the abstract is strictly enforced for Rice Science.
    A maximum of seven keywords should be listed, in alphabetical order, after the abstract.
    Main Text
    The main text should consist of the following elements:
    Titles should be simple, informative, and comprehensible. Nonstandard abbreviations should be avoided. Titles are limited to 30 words.
    Abstract (no more than 300 words) followed by 3–7 key words.
    Introduction (no need for giving the heading)
    The tables and figures can be arranged together with the main text document or independent files. If they are arranged in the main text, it is no need to upload the independent files.
    Discussion (Discussion part must be separated with the results part)
    Describe procedures in sufficient detail so that the work can be repeated. Correct chemical names should be given and strains of organisms should be specified. Trade names should be identified by an initial capital letter with the remainder of the name lowercase. Names and addresses of suppliers of uncommon reagents or instruments should be provided.
    All sources cited in the text, tables and figures must appear in the reference list at the end of the paper, and all entries in the reference list must be cited in the text. The references should only include works that have been published or accepted for publication. Unpublished data and “personal communications” should not be cited in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text.
    References should be cited in text by the last name of the author(s) and the date of publication. For example, (Wang, 2001; Nantel and Quatrano,1996; Wang et al, 2003).
    Reference entries should be ordered alphabetically, starting with the last name of the first author, followed by the first author's initial(s), and so on for each additional author. All authors’ names should be mentioned in the list. If the works are not published in English, the actual language should be indicated in parentheses. And the abbreviation journal names should be correct (See the attached materials in the bottom of this file). Each reference should be cited in the normal format of Rice Science. For example:
    Yuan L P, Chen H X. 1988. Hybrid Rice Breeding and Cultivation. Changsha: Hunan Sciences and Technology Press: 83–84. (in Chinese)
    Yamagami M, Haga K, Napier R M, Lino M. 2004. Two distinct signaling pathways participate in auxin-induced swelling of pea epidermal protoplasts. Plant Physiol, 134(2): 735–747.
    Zhang Q Y, Liu Y G, Zhang G Q, Mei M T. 2002. Molecular mapping of the fertility restorer gene Rf-4 for WA cytoplasmic male sterility in rice. Acta Genet Sin, 29(11): 1001–1004. (in Chinese with English abstract)
    Ye G Y, Smith K F. 2010. Marker-assisted gene pyramiding for cultivar development. In: Janick J. Plant Breeding Reviews. Hoboken USA: John Wiley & Sons: 33: 219–256.
    Lauren J G, Duxbury J M. 2005. Management strategies to reduce arsenic uptake by rice. Behavior of arsenic in aquifers, soils and plants: Implications for management: II. Arsenic in irrigation waters, soils and crops. International Symposium: Organized by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Cornell University, Texas A&M University, United States Geological Survey and Geological Survey of Bangladesh, Dhaka, January 16–18, 2005.
    In addition, for the main text, please make sure that:
    1. All measurements must be given in SI or SI-derived units.
    2. Abbreviations should be used accurately. The full words should be presented at the first time, followed by the abbreviation in parentheses. Thereafter use the abbreviation only.
    3. Show the line number for each page.
    4. The author names and addresses are not needed in the main text.
    All tables should be cited in the text, and numbered according to their sequence in the text. The tables can be arranged together with the main text document or independent files.
    Each Table should have a brief and self-explanatory title. Any explanation essential to understanding the table content should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table. Every abbreviation used in the table should be note for the full name.
    All tables are typeset with horizontal lines only (three lines in general); no vertical lines are used. Tables should not contain empty rows. Each column, including the first, must have a heading. Column headings should label the entries concisely (one or two words); the first letter of each word is capitalized. Units of measurement should be given in parentheses immediately below the column headings, not listed with the data in the body of the table.
    All figures should be cited in the text, and numbered according to their sequence in the text. The figures can be arranged together with the main text document or independent files. Once the manuscript is accepted by the Editorial Board, please provide high-resolution photographs for publication.
    Each figure should have a brief title and should be self-explanatory. Any explanation essential to understanding the figure content should be given as a footnote at the bottom of the table. Every abbreviation used in the figure should be note for the full name.
    It is preferred that photographs, especially color ones, be grouped together into one or more plates. The maximum length is 230 mm (including the caption and the footnote) and the width 170 mm for a full page. For more detail information, please referring the example for figures of the attached materials in the bottom of this file. All the figures should be clear enough to be printed. And figures with data in excel can be submitted together so that the managing editor can revise the format of the figures.
    Supplemental Materials
    Show the supplemental materials if necessary. References to papers in preparation, preprints, or other sources generally not available to readers should be avoided if possible. They may be helpful for the reviewers. And they will be available online but not be printed in the journal.
    After Acceptance
    The accepted manuscript will be edited and published online in advance. The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) can be found in the website and the first page of the electronic documents. The assigned DOI never changes. Therefore, it is an ideal medium for citing a document, particularly 'Articles in press' because they have not yet received their full bibliographic information. Thereafter, the text will be revised for several times. When the Editorial Office finish the proofread work, the managing editor will send the proof files to the authors, and the author should proofread the whole text carefully to make sure that there are no any mistakes.
    We will mail two free printed copies of the journal to the corresponding author(s) after the publication.
  • 2015-04-01 Visited: 8935