Rice Science

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The RISE Method Based on Rare Allele Infusion and Sanger Sequencing Estimation: A Simple, Cheap, and Efficient Method for Detecting Transgenic Copy Number in Rice

  1. Key Laboratory of Agro-Ecological Processes in Subtropical Region, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China; University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; #These authors contributed equally to this work
  • Contact: MAO Donghai
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    This study was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province for Distinguished Young Scholars (Grant No. 2021JJ10041) and the Hainan Yazhou Bay Seed Laboratory and National Seed Group (Grant Nos. B23CQ15HP and B23YQ1517). The authors would like to thank Dr. Kefyalew for his helpful revise to this manuscript.